Teen Wolf 3.08: Visionary

As it’s growing, Teen Wolf is layering its pre-conceived mythology more and more. Season 3 has probably seen the biggest contribution in that respect, particularly because of its ever expanding cast. ‘Visionary’ was a necessary trip back to not only fill in the blanks, but to give us some insight that we never really knew that we wanted.

What struck me the most here was Derek’s love story. It’s not necessarily a game changing bit of knowledge, at least not at first, but it really helps to explain the man that he’s become. Heartbreak can tear a person up, but holding yourself responsible for hurting a person like he did is a huge burden for someone to carry, and now he’s being forced to relive it all again after what happened to Boyd. It still doesn’t explain why he chooses to live in old warehouses and burnt out apartments though.

Though they weren’t necessarily linked in the most obvious way, I enjoyed how both the stories here intersected with one another so it didn’t feel like we were seeing to completely different flashbacks, but we were still being afforded the opportunity to look at it from two different perspectives; Gerard’s brutal and unreliable one, and Peter’s twisted manipulative one.

What we learned on the other side helped Scott to discover Deucalion’s only possible weakness, and what turned him into the monster that he is now. It was a clever twist to make Gerard a huge part of this season’s story as well, using what we knew about Gerard’s violence to explain what happened to Deucalion. It makes sense that he would be disgusting enough to target the wolves like that, even despite their cries for peace.

We learned a few other bits about Deaton too who we now know is some sort of advisor, along with his sister. And Derek’s mother was considered some sort of leader among different packs thanks to her ability to shape-shift, a talent I’d like to see explored further down the line. All of this knowledge is part of what is helping to shape the Teen Wolf ‘verse, even though we’ve barely cracked the surface of what there is to learn.



No Lydia this week :(

The blue that wolves can get in there eyes is from taking an innocent life.

He Said, She Said

Stiles: “What changed him?”
Peter: “The same thing that changes a lot of young men, a girl.”

Also posted at Doux Reviews.

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